Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay so I have never done this before, and I must admit that I was totally influenced by the movie Julie & Julia! Loved it!

Since I have turned Thirty I have hit a few huge milestones;
House- Check lovely 3 bedroom town house
Babies- Yep did that one twice (one was a surprise)
Hubby- Still got him although this always seems like a work in progress (someone told me that this is normal for a young family)

However when I think about it I really must say "What do you mean I'm in my thirties" in my Twenties I always thought I would be much further then I am now...Why do I feel that something is missing? Is something missing? Why can't I just enjoy where I am?

So I'm going to spend the next few years trying to figure it all out. I know, I know maybe we'll never know it all maybe we just have to enjoy the ride. If that's the case I'll keep you posted. As it happens you'll read about it!

Stay Tuned...Like Jennifer Garner in 13 going on 30..."I'm thirty, Flirty and Fabulous!" well with 2 kids 3 and under maybe not so Flirty!


  1. Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies when you're having fun? It feels like yesterday we were in school kicking and poking fun at the boys..oh those were good times! You've accomplished so much already, can't wait to see what's on the 'to do' list for the Santiago home ;)

  2. Well I think you are pretty awesome -- and as a friend of yours - who happens to be getting close to the big 40 -- you are FAB! and the next ten years are AWESOME! Enjoy I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Thanks Ladies!

    I'm super excited!!
