Thursday, April 29, 2010

Together Again

As you can tell from my last few post we are moving, this has happened very quickly and I must admit I still find myself wondering if it's really real?

So far we have rid the house of boxes and bag of old clothes, created an enormous sell pile which will be the fuel of our garage sale on Sunday, started cleaning to get the house ready for some buyers (hopefully) and painted!

I must admit I am truly amazed that the hubby and I have completed this list  and the funny thing  is you would think that this would be the time where we would be ready to jump on each others case. For example last night at 10:30 pm I went up to check the progress of painting (I would have painted but with Asthma and a cold not the best idea) to discover that he used the wrong blue. The blue he used was the one in the babies room not the grown up one I had in the garage. I said "that's the wrong blue it's in the garage" and he followed it by "really...oh that sucks" I went down and got the new paint and by 11:30 the room had the right blue.

Now those who know us know that a few weeks a go this would have led to a huge argument with words being thrown around and eventually hurt feelings and a half painted wall. But it amazes me that by making the hard choice (selling the house) that we have re-kindled our friendship and the commitment to our family. Yes it could be the that we have made the smart choices which we both know will let go of some of the pressure but I really feel that by making this choice that we have re-discovered what attracted us to each other in the first place and that would be our commitment to each other and to our dreams. The fact that we would do anything for each other or our family!

So for the man I love and laugh with, not only are you my best freind your are my soul mate. And even though you drive me crazy and laugh at my blog I want to tell you that six years ago we stood before god our family and friends and we promised we would love each other for better or worse...well we haven't exactly seen the worse but we have seen some bad and definitely some better. And it makes me think that I  couldn't imagine a better person to travel this journey with!

1 comment:

  1. good for you Laurie! How wonderfully honest and thoughtful!
