Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Okay so this is going to be TMI so if your a little weireded out but TMI (Mar this mean you) stop reading now!

Okay so I work in a office of all girls and generally just before the clock hit's 4:30 we start the girl talk...which you can never have to much of! So yesterday the topic somehow got on to personal grooming. Now that I'm married I don't really have the time for all the justifications of paying money to have someone generally pour hot wax onto me and the rip tiny hair's out of my skin and I must admit I no longer have option of showering without two little heads peeking in asking "mama watcha doin?" when I'm trying to wash my hair. So very often we run into this conversation...

Me "hey hon lets see who leg hair is longer mine or yours?"
Him "Yah, that's just kinda gross"
Me "okay yah I know, I'm going to shower and shave my legs!"
Him (as I get up and leave him with the monster's)"Hey where you going"

So as you can see personal "grooming" not high on the  priority list but some how at 5:30 I was sitting in a salon with a co-worker on the verge of waiting for my turn for some now looking back much needed waxing!

And I wonder why do we go into a stranger and say "here's 30 bucks please inflict some pain" yah yah yah  I survived but I still remember the pain!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post, because it is sooooooooo true!

    hope the wax was worth it, I went and got a pedicure and feel like a million bucks! Strange days
