Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wedding Fun and Family

Well that kinda sum's up the weekend for me. A very good friend married her true love this weekend and we were honored to witness the love, tears, and happiness that these two share. I spent a lot of it thinking "oh my there lives are just starting a whole new chapter" and I found myself looking over to hubby and thinking hey he chose me! I've always looked back at our wedding day  with great fondness sure there are a few things I would have changed like the time of the reception and I would have gotten a longer veil, however those are not the things people look back on or at least I hope not. I hope that they look at what I look back on that is the day I gained a sister, 2 younger brother, a few dozen cousin, another mom and dad, and a whole bunch of people I refer to as Tita (Aunt) and Uncle just because I can't remember all the names!

And for that I am truly thankful!

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