Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Management?!?!?!

So recently with all the changes going I have discovered the need to be writing everything down! I carry around a black journal and my cell phone that is full of scheduled appointments or events that we need to attend as well at home I have created a calender which is a duplicate of the other 2 so no one needs to touch my special book, however now that I have it all somewhat planned out I find myself wondering now what?

Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe I have just discovered that you can only do so much and by writing them down a) I'm finding I can  can be selective of what I really want to get done and (b) once I can see it all in front of I can plan my plan of attack...what ever it is I am feeling lost with out writing things down...

~If you fail to plan you plan to fail~ some one :)

A few updates...
  • Loving the swapping have my first 3 swap partners and just need to get the fun items to send out!
  • Had girls night with my sister and friend was supper fun..even though the JLo movie was a little long!
  • While at dinner met with the "old friend" thanks to some liquid courage let her know my thoughts and feelings...Feeling Really Good about the feedback from her and for standing up for myself!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear this one. :) Call me tomorrow.
