Monday, May 31, 2010


Sigh! Well what a weekend,  I got home on Friday from what felt like a never ending week and was welcomed by a wonderful poopy diaper so I swing into mom mode and had that changed in 4 seconds flat (yes I'm that good) put her down and off she went...right into the kitchen counter!!!

We both let out a loud scream as blood was running down her little head called in my mother in law who took over (Thank Goodness) . And then off we went to the hospital where we waited a total of 5 hours (1 for every stitch she needed to close the wound)...Well then on Saturday she decided she was not a happy camper and decided that she wasn't going to eat or drink anything. Of course we thought "oh no she has a head injury" so off we went back to the hospital. Well if she was 80 she would of had a CT scan however being so small and so adorable (his words not mine :)) the Dr didn't want to put her through it and told us to watch her and wake her up every 2 hours for another 48 hours and sent us home.

So on day 4 of what seems to be a never ending journey I'm happy to report that we now have a smiling lil monster back... And I never passed out or threw up once! It was really had to stand by as they were stitching her up ( the room spun a few times) But it made me think of how far we've come and what else we will learn from her. When I had to register her she came up as "Baby Girl Santiago" so cute!!!

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