Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Full weekend and a Busy Week

So I made it through the wedding of a "old friend" there was an hour that I was urgently calling the BFF to try to find a way out, however I'm glad I stayed I did reconnect with the old friend and had a good time with the hubby when he showed up a few hours late. We moved the contents of our house with the help of some wonderful cousins who showed up even though the Hubby only called them that morning. As I closed the door on Saturday evening I though "there goes the last 5 years of my life"! Whew 5 years where has the time gone I can only imagine where the next five years will take us.  Onwards and upwards I suppose!

So as we focus on this week it will be full of Cheer Registration, Dress Rehearsal and Rehearsal for Lil Monster's dance class that she hates, meeting with the lawyer and most of all handing over the keys ( I don't know if you really hand the keys over or to who I hand them to but you get the drift), I think the game plan will be to keep our heads up embrace the emotion and maybe even on Sunday drive around and look at some new houses so we can make a list of things we want in the new one.

wish us luck!


  1. Hello, Laurie! I'm looking forward to our swap. I just want to check your address, because now I found out you're moving, so I want to be sure. This week I'm sending a package... My e-mail: Thanx. :)

  2. in every new adventure -- beauty can be found :)


  3. Thanks Isidora...I gave the new address for the swap!! So excited :)

    Thanks for all the support guys !

  4. it's on its way... you'll wait minimum 10 and maximum 21 days, says the lady at the post office. :)
