Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So I don't think I have anything specific to write about today...Just feeling kinda Blah! I guessing that it's the end of what was a very emotional and stressful time in my life. But I have been surrounded by very special friends and family which reminds me how truly thankful and blessed we truly are.

It's so easy to go through life fixating on the negatives and I'm not sure if it's because we have sold the house that I feel a sense relief but I'm finding myself noticing how many truly care about me and my family and who are really participating in our lives.  And to me that's so much more important then the things we have or the places we travel to, to have a bunch of people, good people, participating in the every day in the every moment. Even if it's the friends I only speak to once, but 5 minutes after talking to them we are right back where we left off. Or the people that make me laugh all the time. That's what it's all about!

So I started this a little Blah but I'm feeling kinda uplifted now so..enjoy your Tuesday and make sure you tell the important ones how great the really are!

PS...I need to send a shout out to J.N and her very special "Blog Song"
(Sung to the tune of the Ant's go Marching)
"With every letter I type, I blog, I blog"

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