Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Well, I have been off sick work for 2 whole days. I think since this move I have been hit by a truck...or just feel like it. It started with some back pain that then went into my neck and 3 trips a week to the Chiropractor to try to make it feel better is just making way for whole new pains to present themselves.

Then I got hit hard by a tummy bug which was going around the office. So here I am trying to take it easy but with the Lil monster's I'm finding it very hard.

So on the advice of the Dr's I'm telling the lil monster they have to walk and that I can't carry them, Trying to be in bed by 10:00pm (it's currently 9:25). Drinking more water less tea and soda, and not eating late. The last one is really hard! But someone once told me that it takes 3 week to build a habit so tomorrow is day one of the new plan! Going to try and eat breakfast, and not after 7pm! Let's see if this helps!

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