Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some People!

I often do things and my husband says " why would you do that" and I reply "why wouldn't you". I have encountered a situation that has made me question the world we are living in here's the story.....

Where I work we have a few satellite office and we have internal mail couriers that travel from site to site delivering and picking up the mail. These individuals are adults with special needs however come rain or snow always trek through the city and generally make it here on the mail days at the same time...Simply an Awesome service!!!

However today the mail was late at 11:00 am I recived a call asking if our courier had I woke up today thinking it was Thursday so I really wasn't looking for the mail! However when I got the call I immediatly knew something was up...and boy was it ever... Our courier had fallen and was on the ground AND NOBODY STOPPED TO ASSIST HIM!!! now we work at a busy intersection it's not the buiset in the city but I'm guessing at least 50 people should have walked by him. 20 minutes later one person finally approached him and decided to take some personal responsibility and help the poor guy.

Now the lady that did help him went way above and beyond and even provided him a car ride all the way home however I'm shocked that nobody else decided to even see if he was okay. I always surround myself with people who care for others It's an important  trait I look in a friend and I feel deeply saddened that when I realize that others are okay with just walking by someone looks like they may need some sort of assistance (even if it's hey are you okay?) it breaks my heart!

And yes there are some who will say it's not safe to stop however  I have to reply with the what if that was you or your father, mother, sister, brother, or child!

So to the lady who decided to step up and help another human being out I thank you and you and all those like you will be included in our bedtime prayers tonight. To my mail buddy thoughts are with you and I hope you feel better soon! To those who walked by...I hope no one walks by you when you need help!

1 comment:

  1. oh my! is he okay? people know better! i can't believe he had to wait so long to get some help.
