Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We are back! Okay we have been back for 2 weeks

The trip was AWESOME! Everything we could have wanted was given and with "it's my pleasure" I'm so happy I took the time to re-connect with hubby we talked so much in the first few days that by the 4th day we were back to just enjoying the silence...THEN WE CAME HOME!!!!

Okay so I'm a very lucky lady who's in-laws have been watching our kids since they were just born and yes they have there own ideas like cookies for breakfast (they always say "well at least she ate something") so I am more then grateful for the love and support that surrounds us and like I say to my hubby "pick your battles" So we didn't complain that while we were away Lolo got dressed at 4am to go buy her ice cream to eat  however the phrase "when she turns sixteen I'm moving out " has left my mouth a few times since returning. I fear that my precious lil monster is gulp... A SPOILED BRAT!!!

This darling girl who came into the world at 4lbs 3oz is officially a monster...she does what she wants when she wants and how she wants and if you try to intervene watch out! Everyone that knows her says she is well behaved and will do what they say (I'm still trying to figure out how Ninang Ann got her to eat 3 fish sticks) however she knows once she's in the our house she's queen bee... Okay so I know alot of you are thinking that hey she's only 3 but the battles we face on a daily basis (I bribed her today with wearing a dress so that we could get to school on time without a fight and so that she would brush her teeth) are officially turning me grey!

So as I take all that I can from Super Nanny and those I work with I continue to fight just when I'm ready to sell her to the zoo out comes a "Mommy I love you very much" as I say good bye at pre-school this morning.


  1. You can do it Laurie -- just remember everything I said about my little darling - and there is a light at the end of the tunner - almost five now and the monster who was three is fading, and the rascal that is soon to be five has emerged. Being a mom, is the greatest pleasure and lesson in the world - you listened when I moaned about JK _ I am only a call away for your three's!

  2. Thanks Mel! That made me smile!
