Thursday, August 19, 2010

So Flustered!

So yesterday I get a call at work that the Biggest Lil Monster cut her "leg" Well from all the screaming in the background I thought it was her leg. I dashed home on what I hoped would be a few moments of my lunch hour to discover she had SLICED the top of her index finger on the leg of a metal folding chair ...see I knew leg was in there somewhere!

The gushing had stopped by the time I had made it home and she was refusing to move or let any look at off we were to the hospital because with the quick peak I had it look kinda bad.

We waited 4 hours to see the Dr who just took a quick glance and said "Yah it could use a stitch or 2 but I don't think she like it so we'll just tape it." So the Nurse comes to "tape it" and as my poor baby is grossed out by blood and scared she was crying the nurse says "your creating a lot of fuss over nothing!"

OKAY BREATH....SIDE NOTE....I have the UTMOST RESPECT in Nurse's, Doctor's and all people who generally deal with all things I consider gross...As I was having both c-section's I insited that they take the baby and wipe her off so I didn't see any gook! OKAY BACK TO THE RANT

SHE's 3!!! The cut is almost half way across her little biggest finger and FYI SHE'S 3 and we have been here for 4 hours and she missed her nap!!! Okay so we got taped up as I told her it would be okay and gave her a ton of kisses (yah so I slide in the "yah a hospital can be a scary place when your only 3" while looking at the nurse) And off we went...NO Instruction's finger starts to bleed again on the way to the parking we go back...Nurse Grouchy Pants is Visibly upset that I may have a question and when I ask what should I do so that she's not bleeding all over the place she says you can put a band aid....nope one was not provided...
We get home and go to put another band aid on it (BARBIE!!) and she start pouring blood all over the place...sigh Now mommy's really mad I call tele health (which is fantastic!) and they say yah you should go have it looked at but you can go into a clinic....SOOOOOOO off we go again this time to an after hours clinic located in a hospital just in case (They say a mother always knows right!)

So we get taken right in at the after hours and and he looks at it and says "you might be better off with a stitch but that's not what worries me...does her finger always bend like that?" WTF...okay so now we need and off we go to wait another 4.5 hours and then have an Xray and a huge bandage and a followup with a plastics clinic in 1 weeks time...Like I said WTF...

So shout out to the awesome hard working Dr's and Nurse's at Scarborough Grace I'm not mad that when I came to ask 4 hours later what was going on that they couldn't find us in the system (but they did rush us through really quick after that and the Dr was super nice Lil monster loved him eventhough there was no lolli pop)... The people at the Plastic's clinic who already had my appointment ready this morning when I called in...The guy in the waiting room who never noticed his shirt was sticking out of his zipper...The Xray guy who tried to pick a fight for putting my kid at the end of the bed while she was waiting to get bandaged...The Tim Horton's guy that with a little flirting gave me a coffee even though they were closed I won't tell that you may have pocketed the money I gave you...But most of all the parking at both hospital may you put my $16.00 each to good use!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Big things happened yesterday!

 I started Booty Camp (well it was supposed to start on Monday however due to thunder storms it was cancelled...whew).

So lets back track a little in the past 3 years I have had 2 babies and the most exercise I get is lugging each child and all the "stuff" that goes with them around or running up and down the stairs in a panic looking for someones bubba (Sippy Cup of Milk) or sasa bear (liltest monster's bestest buddy). Now they way I rationalize this is that my children together weigh just over 50lbs! Now I was doing the weight watchers meeting however Cheerleading has changed to Thursday night so yes I could have found another meeting...but I didn't! And I just bought new pants on Friday and found the smaller size I made it to is kinda loose. So I'm not doing as well as I was but I'm moving in the right direction!

Okay so Booty camp starts yesterday with "Hey lets run up and down a hill 3 times" (I was immediately thinking OMG what have I got myself into). During the course of an hour I found myself almost puking TWICE!! The Instructor asked "who's hating me right now" And yes I raised my hand...hey I was just being honest :) But I did survive...okay so I ended up puking in the flowers when I got home, and I can't bend my legs right now but hey I survived.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wedding Fun and Family

Well that kinda sum's up the weekend for me. A very good friend married her true love this weekend and we were honored to witness the love, tears, and happiness that these two share. I spent a lot of it thinking "oh my there lives are just starting a whole new chapter" and I found myself looking over to hubby and thinking hey he chose me! I've always looked back at our wedding day  with great fondness sure there are a few things I would have changed like the time of the reception and I would have gotten a longer veil, however those are not the things people look back on or at least I hope not. I hope that they look at what I look back on that is the day I gained a sister, 2 younger brother, a few dozen cousin, another mom and dad, and a whole bunch of people I refer to as Tita (Aunt) and Uncle just because I can't remember all the names!

And for that I am truly thankful!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Okay so this is going to be TMI so if your a little weireded out but TMI (Mar this mean you) stop reading now!

Okay so I work in a office of all girls and generally just before the clock hit's 4:30 we start the girl talk...which you can never have to much of! So yesterday the topic somehow got on to personal grooming. Now that I'm married I don't really have the time for all the justifications of paying money to have someone generally pour hot wax onto me and the rip tiny hair's out of my skin and I must admit I no longer have option of showering without two little heads peeking in asking "mama watcha doin?" when I'm trying to wash my hair. So very often we run into this conversation...

Me "hey hon lets see who leg hair is longer mine or yours?"
Him "Yah, that's just kinda gross"
Me "okay yah I know, I'm going to shower and shave my legs!"
Him (as I get up and leave him with the monster's)"Hey where you going"

So as you can see personal "grooming" not high on the  priority list but some how at 5:30 I was sitting in a salon with a co-worker on the verge of waiting for my turn for some now looking back much needed waxing!

And I wonder why do we go into a stranger and say "here's 30 bucks please inflict some pain" yah yah yah  I survived but I still remember the pain!

What a weekend!

Well we had the long weekend and I'm Happy to report we all survived. Our weekend consisted of my nephew's 5th birthday party at Chucky Cheese on Saturday which was followed by some very tried girls sleeping in the car after going back to my brothers house with the family and playing just dance on the WII (Super Fun!!) Then Sunday rolled around and after we rolled ourselves out of bed...we did NOTHING! and it was awesome!!! We had a late breakfast which had the amazement of the biggest lil monster pouring her own milk in her cereal (And not spilling a drop!), then we had lunch in our jammies (my mother is probably fuming at this point!), then around 7pm daddy took all his girls out to dinner and they got to pick there own outfits (so we were a little over dressed for Jack Astors). After we arrived home as I was putting a very tired biggest lil monster to bed she let out a huge sigh and said "that was a really nice trip momma"

Makes you think we are all so busy with going here and there that on the days when we do "nothing" it seems that those "nothings" in little eyes become really great "somethings"

On Monday we went to wonderland with our really good friends (AKA Biggest lil monster's future in-laws) and just did a slow "hey you want to ride this ride lets stop and have funnel cake more rides more snacks" tour of the park...not trying to get things done just enjoying the company!

I must admit I think I have found a new way to go about things..Maybe the rabbit was right Slow and Steady wind the race!

Enjoy making memories!!