Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Well, I have been off sick work for 2 whole days. I think since this move I have been hit by a truck...or just feel like it. It started with some back pain that then went into my neck and 3 trips a week to the Chiropractor to try to make it feel better is just making way for whole new pains to present themselves.

Then I got hit hard by a tummy bug which was going around the office. So here I am trying to take it easy but with the Lil monster's I'm finding it very hard.

So on the advice of the Dr's I'm telling the lil monster they have to walk and that I can't carry them, Trying to be in bed by 10:00pm (it's currently 9:25). Drinking more water less tea and soda, and not eating late. The last one is really hard! But someone once told me that it takes 3 week to build a habit so tomorrow is day one of the new plan! Going to try and eat breakfast, and not after 7pm! Let's see if this helps!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To all those who say Father's Day isn't as important as Mother's Day

I must say I was shocked to hear that people feel that father's day is not as "special' mother's day...So for all you daddy's out there

You are her very first word not because it's easy because your special!
You are the first boy she will ever love!
You are the guy she knows will never let her down!
You are the one she will turn to when mom just doesn't get it!
You are the one she will ask to fix things just because nobody could do it better then you!
You are the one who's approval of the man she will marry means the most!
You are the one who will guide her down the aisle and hold her hand as she accepts the hand of the man that will take over but never replace you!
You are the one who will always be her daddy no matter how old she is!

So to the Daddy's in my lil monster's  life, I thank you for all the joy you provide me with and I promise not to be jealous knowing that every day when you walk through the door the Lil monster scream...


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So I don't think I have anything specific to write about today...Just feeling kinda Blah! I guessing that it's the end of what was a very emotional and stressful time in my life. But I have been surrounded by very special friends and family which reminds me how truly thankful and blessed we truly are.

It's so easy to go through life fixating on the negatives and I'm not sure if it's because we have sold the house that I feel a sense relief but I'm finding myself noticing how many truly care about me and my family and who are really participating in our lives.  And to me that's so much more important then the things we have or the places we travel to, to have a bunch of people, good people, participating in the every day in the every moment. Even if it's the friends I only speak to once, but 5 minutes after talking to them we are right back where we left off. Or the people that make me laugh all the time. That's what it's all about!

So I started this a little Blah but I'm feeling kinda uplifted now so..enjoy your Tuesday and make sure you tell the important ones how great the really are!

PS...I need to send a shout out to J.N and her very special "Blog Song"
(Sung to the tune of the Ant's go Marching)
"With every letter I type, I blog, I blog"

Thursday, June 10, 2010


So I'm finding myself to be very sleepy and slow moving these day's I wonder if it's because everything with the house will finally be done tomorrow (I say that like it's been a year when really it's only been a little over a month) The Li monster's dance class will be finished on Saturday so there goes the fight every Saturday morning of trying to get her ready. And yes we signed up for cheer which starts next Thursday but at least this year we are limiting it to one thing! So all these things that are taking up so much of my thinking power are coming to an end but I still feel like I have just ran a marathon! Maybe it's because I'm in my thirty's, but I said to my mom yesterday "I think I have mono"... her reply was " No you just have kids!!"

So here's the plan I'm going to get me some B Vitamins...and Stay in bed (well maybe not in bed but definitely in my Jammie's) ALL DAY SUNDAY!! Lets hope that helps!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Full weekend and a Busy Week

So I made it through the wedding of a "old friend" there was an hour that I was urgently calling the BFF to try to find a way out, however I'm glad I stayed I did reconnect with the old friend and had a good time with the hubby when he showed up a few hours late. We moved the contents of our house with the help of some wonderful cousins who showed up even though the Hubby only called them that morning. As I closed the door on Saturday evening I though "there goes the last 5 years of my life"! Whew 5 years where has the time gone I can only imagine where the next five years will take us.  Onwards and upwards I suppose!

So as we focus on this week it will be full of Cheer Registration, Dress Rehearsal and Rehearsal for Lil Monster's dance class that she hates, meeting with the lawyer and most of all handing over the keys ( I don't know if you really hand the keys over or to who I hand them to but you get the drift), I think the game plan will be to keep our heads up embrace the emotion and maybe even on Sunday drive around and look at some new houses so we can make a list of things we want in the new one.

wish us luck!