Monday, May 31, 2010


Sigh! Well what a weekend,  I got home on Friday from what felt like a never ending week and was welcomed by a wonderful poopy diaper so I swing into mom mode and had that changed in 4 seconds flat (yes I'm that good) put her down and off she went...right into the kitchen counter!!!

We both let out a loud scream as blood was running down her little head called in my mother in law who took over (Thank Goodness) . And then off we went to the hospital where we waited a total of 5 hours (1 for every stitch she needed to close the wound)...Well then on Saturday she decided she was not a happy camper and decided that she wasn't going to eat or drink anything. Of course we thought "oh no she has a head injury" so off we went back to the hospital. Well if she was 80 she would of had a CT scan however being so small and so adorable (his words not mine :)) the Dr didn't want to put her through it and told us to watch her and wake her up every 2 hours for another 48 hours and sent us home.

So on day 4 of what seems to be a never ending journey I'm happy to report that we now have a smiling lil monster back... And I never passed out or threw up once! It was really had to stand by as they were stitching her up ( the room spun a few times) But it made me think of how far we've come and what else we will learn from her. When I had to register her she came up as "Baby Girl Santiago" so cute!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Going to get my Hair Did!

Okay so the last time I got my hair done at a salon was when lilest monster was born and basically I went into get them to chop it off since she had sever reflux and all she did was throw up in it...the joys of motherhood! So tonight I'm going with the BFF and we are both getting a cut and colour wooohooo!!

I must say that before I would have cancelled five times bought a home dye kit and done it myself...I mean how do I justify the money I'm going to spend and the 2 hours away from the kids...  I'm worth it That's how!!! I mean it's so easy to put myself last and talk myself in to thinking that I really don't need or want something however Happy Mommy's make for Happy families and that is something I'm finally getting and that it's not selfish to say 'hey I need sometime" or even "no I really don't want to" it's almost empowering.

If I had only learned that in my twenty's I wonder how different I would be!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Management?!?!?!

So recently with all the changes going I have discovered the need to be writing everything down! I carry around a black journal and my cell phone that is full of scheduled appointments or events that we need to attend as well at home I have created a calender which is a duplicate of the other 2 so no one needs to touch my special book, however now that I have it all somewhat planned out I find myself wondering now what?

Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe I have just discovered that you can only do so much and by writing them down a) I'm finding I can  can be selective of what I really want to get done and (b) once I can see it all in front of I can plan my plan of attack...what ever it is I am feeling lost with out writing things down...

~If you fail to plan you plan to fail~ some one :)

A few updates...
  • Loving the swapping have my first 3 swap partners and just need to get the fun items to send out!
  • Had girls night with my sister and friend was supper fun..even though the JLo movie was a little long!
  • While at dinner met with the "old friend" thanks to some liquid courage let her know my thoughts and feelings...Feeling Really Good about the feedback from her and for standing up for myself!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A monster has been created!!

I have a confession!
I'm already hooked, as  I mentioned in my last post I have been turned onto swap - bot...sigh I have already joined 3 swaps and have checked my email almost 40 times today to see if I have been sent my first person to send things to (The first one is Candy from across the world...OMG CANDY!!) and have told almost everyone here at work all about it! Least to say I am super excited!

As we enter the Long weekend we have a lot of moving to do! But on the bright side the beds made it  to the in-laws last night thanks to a very persistent hubby and a very generous brother! But I want to make sure I do plan a little family fun time in to the 3 day weekend I have begun to realize that we will never have these moments with the Lil Monsters again..and the seem to be slipping by so quickly! Yesterday while I was at work the Lilest monster came up with her new catch phrase which is "No Way" followed by an adorable poutty face LOL funny as I think about it now but it wasn't so cute when I was trying to get her into her Pj's last night.

So I'm going to enjoy the moments! And I wish you all a very safe, happy and fulfilled long weekend as well!

PS I tried on a dress last night for some up coming wedding and had to ask for the next size down!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trying New Things!

So I'm not sure if I'm doing this write but a special person had made a post about Snail Mail and the fun and special packages she received by joining Sawps (I think that's what they are called) as I commented to her I think the last time I received fun mail was when we were waiting for our RSVP's from our wedding invitation...yah 6 years ago!!! So I have decided to try this out I have email the organizer and sent in my info and description (I think that was the hardest part) But I am super excited!! To think I could be communicating with a person I have never met I think this has open a whole new world! I did have a pen pal in grade 5 in Japan but it was a school thing and as soon as it ended so did the relationship but I forgot how much I have always loved to write letters and receive them!

So a new journey has begun...look out world I'm send more thoughts and things out into you hopefully to be received with as much excitement and enjoyment as I plan to receive mine.

I have hopefully attached the link to the swap below and thought I would send a shout out to Faiza who's blog has inspired, thanks for sharing this wonderful idea!

Create your own banner at!
Make your own banner at!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sold! Well Almost

Well after 2 weeks on the market I think we might have done it! we have accepted an offer and if the home inspection goes well then will be at the in laws officially on June 11th...very soon I know there are so many things that go along with this that I never thought of I need to change addresses of all our cards and junk, we need to rent a truck to move all the big stuff, cancel the alarm for the house (I don't get why the new owner wouldn't want one) But most of all make sure the family is okay (I have noticed the Lil est monster is really clinging to me) I know this will all get done and with the ton of other things on our June calender it will be a very busy month but if there is one thing I have going for my it's the people I have around... the fam , the amazing BFF and my super hubby I know they will be my support during all of this because I can feel it getting emotional. I always used to make fun of my mom for being so emotional however no that I'm in my thirties I can kinda relate!

A little update I have decided to attend the Old"friends" wedding from a previous post not for her but for me because I know I'm a good person, I know I was a true friend and this shows that and then I am comfortable with stepping away!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Busy week in the world of me...I can't believe it's Friday already. Yesterday we got an offer on the house which was the beginning of negotiations kinda exciting however I'm trying not to let myself get to excited just in case this isn't the one. My super great realtor has ensured me that there is a buyer for every house and we have to wait for that person to come we waiting the mean time we have a shower and a birthday party to go to this weekend as well as our last practice for Lil Monster cheer leading but not to worry it starts up again in June and this time the lilest monster gets to join WOOOO HOOO. I always love the nap that follows the practices and to have them both in it I'm very excited :) I can hear the 1and a  half hour of pure silence going through the house now!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday!

So tomorrow is my very best friend's birthday! For all of you who don't know my Best friend here's our history...

So in College we had lockers beside each other  and then we figured out that we also had some classes together...of course that lead to us sitting beside each other and really just sort of talking, and BFF writing daily in an agenda that I had most of it were silly comments about how she was going to put a rat in my locker BTW  I still have that agenda. Everyone knows I love a good silly! So we clicked, I watched her play sports and officially named her sporty spice she listened and helped me get thru accounting that first year. As the youngest in our class we there was a lot of sitting at home or getting her family to come to a movie that we were just going to happen to be at...but most of all the sneaking into clubs and getting in trouble for laughing to much!

Now that we are grown-ups (I think) we have stuck together through thick and thin, break ups marriages, babies, missing her wedding because Lil monster number 2 was on the way you name it I think we might have gone through it! She is the person I can confide in and tell her anything...even when I discovered I actually had real feelings for the hubby she was the first to know. She is the most non judgmental person who sees the best of every situation. I never had a sister growing up but I feel that she is mine just with a better tan! She is the one that can make me laugh and feel comfortable in my own skin, the one I know I can count on. She is my Very Best Friend.

On the eve of her birthday when the universe decided that it was time to bring her into the world (even it was across the world) I truly believe that it was so that we would meet, yes that sound a little selfish however if you had her as your best friend you would think she was made for you too!

So to my very Best friend, the one I trust with my world and hold deeply in my I heart I'm wishing you a very happy birthday and I know that this year is going to be one of the best yet for you!

Love Ya!

Monday, May 10, 2010

V A C A TION in the summer fun??

Well except for the snow on Saturday night summer is on the way, and with summer comes summer vacations! Wooo Hoooo!

Last year we took the Lil monsters to Sesame place in Langhorne PA, I must say it was amazing. Picture real live Sesame Street but with rides and a water park...super fun!! But I was looking back at the pictures trying to decide if we really want to go again this summer and I was amazed about how small they were last year. And that a year has gone by so fast!

So as we head into the warmer weather, we have a lot of planning to do as well I'm trying to talk the hubby into a second honey moon in September. Hey I figure we all deserve it!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I feel like I have been hit by a mack truck! I think the stress and the fatigue has finally caught up with me and boy am I tired. So I'm going to call a time out for mommy time and take a much needed nap! I know I know I had some wonderful much deserved mommy time yesterday with the BFF and a very yummy dinner (I stayed out till almost 8:30!!!) But with the way things have been going crazy I'm going to take the next hour and curl up in a blanket and  put on a movie that I have seen before so if I fall asleep I wont miss anything and take a time out!

Happy Mothers day tomorrow to all the Mommy's out there. I hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

In limbo how low can you go?!?!

Okay so we have only be selling our house for 5 days now, however yesterday I had a half hour conversation with my realtor because I was freaking out! I think it's because we decided to move so fast (we only really started talking about this 2 weeks ago) and now we are just waiting totally feel like we are in limbo!

After the realtor where we ended the conversation with him saying " okay here's what we will do...when it's time to freak out I will totally call you and say Laurie time to freak out, until then Trust me!" What a great guy, exactly what I need! Then I called the BFF and made dinner plans so that I have something to take my mind off the whole process sooooooo excited for Friday!

Then we went to the house to move some stuff around to make it "look bigger" and to slowly move our things to the in laws...and once we got there we had to move everything in AHHHHH my muscles are so sore today but hey I must have earned some activity points which might help this weeks weigh in (Weight Watchers). But as we slowly get more settled and more of our things are ending up in the same house we are at I can't help but to think of our little home all by it's self no noises, no jumping off of the furniture, no laughter and think that while we are in 2 places at once how can I set myself up so that the in laws house feels like home...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We have an Outbreak!

So Lil Monster is home from preschool with a fever, cough and an I call preschool to let them know she would not be coming in and they emailed me later in the day to say that we needed a Dr's note to return as there are 3 other kids with the same thing which means they have an outbreak. Extra steps are being taken to make sure that it does not spread any further and then they apologised! I'm in awe I knew once we started school that we would see a increase in illness but I am completely comforted by the fact that they are taking the extra steps.  I mean you always hope that when a stranger is watching your baby (no matter how old your baby is) that they will do everything in there power to make sure that they are well taken care of but it's the love that you feel when they are genuinely concerned about the children not just because it's there job to care but it's because they love what they do!

I recently found a job where I enjoy going into work everyday! Yes Everyday!! The actual work I enjoy but the people I love, they are a great group of ladies that we share many laughs and stories with! In my past I had a job that I really did hate (I would cry on Sunday nights knowing that I had to go into work on Monday) but it's funny how quick you can look over the fact that you have a good job, or that we really do spend more time at our workplace and with our co-workers then we do with our families.

So we might as well enjoy it! The plan... I'm going to spend more time with the co-workers during lunch no more facebook, email, I'm just going to enjoy them!

Monday, May 3, 2010


What a weekend! well the house went up for sale this weekend in the midst of the biggest little monster being sick, we had her at the Dr's on Friday and then at the hospital on Saturday morning (it's just a fever with an infection but we got the meds and she's on the mend!) But the poor lil monster would just look at us and say "mommy I'm sick" in her very saddest voice.

All the while me and hubby were coming up with THE PLAN!!! we will be staying at the in-laws for a while however with people now coming to look at the house I needed to feel that we both had a very clear picture of where we are headed. So the plan is that soon we will be moving to drum roll please...Ajax !!!! So excited this is where my BFF lives and also my brother and sister in-law with our little cutie pie nephew it is very exciting that we will be close to important people and not to far from the ones we are leaving behind.

For the first time in a while I woke up today feeling great...the rain had made everything look a little more clearer and sparkly. My oh my what a plan can do!